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Most Able

Woking High School recognises and promotes outstanding achievement for all students through providing challenge, stretch and enjoyment in all educational opportunities. Planning and provision for our most able students is an integral part of our curriculum within academic subjects, on the sports field, in the performing arts and in student leadership.

At Woking High School, we do not label our most able students as “gifted” or “talented”. We recognise that a student’s aptitude and promise is only the beginning of their journey, not the end. As a result, we regularly review students identified as being most able through prior assessment data (Key Stage Two results), through specific identification by departments and by performance during each academic year.


Academic Success

We aim to set the highest expectations for student attainment and to encourage academic excellence, self-reliance and enterprise.

In the classroom we provide lessons that engage, challenge, inform and excite so that our most able students achieve their true potential.  Students can access a wide range of curriculum options which provide challenge and foster a spirit of academic enquiry.  (See below).

Our students have high aspirations and are challenged to broaden their horizons through applying to prestigious post-16 institutions. With the excellent foundations they build at Woking High School, many of our students go on to be awarded places at Russell Group universities.


Academic Provision

-Year 10 English Seminars
-Latin to Extend Literacy and Linguistic Skills from Year 7 to GCSE Latin in Years 10/11
-Triple Science GCSE (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
-Statistics GCSE
-Further Maths GCSE
-Astronomy GCSE
-Early Entry Modern Languages GCSE for Bilingual Speakers
-Computer Science

Extra-curricular Provision

Our provision for the most able extends beyond the classroom and includes stretching and inspiring activities that allow students to play to their strengths and develop their talents. A comprehensive programme of enrichment activities ensures that students are challenged and motivated to achieve the highest levels of excellence in a variety of disciplines. Many departments run their own extra-curricular societies to stimulate interest; lectures by distinguished speakers from outside the school are frequent and the school enters a wide variety of local and national competitions.

-The School Windband and Choir provide opportunities to perform across the world (all years)
-Debating Society (KS3 only)
-Duke of Edinburgh Bronze and Silver Award Scheme
-Mock Magistrates Trial National Competition
-Careers related themed events in school and at local colleges/universities  (e.g. aspiring doctors lecture)
-UK Maths Challenge: Junior, Intermediate and Senior
-Digital School House 
-Trinity College Cambridge University visit
-St Edmund Hall Oxford University visit
-Science STEM Club
-Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) Level 2 qualifications in Student Leadership
-Peer Mentoring
-Stonewall School Status
-Holocaust Beacon School Quality Mark
-Technical Assistance Group (TAG)
-Creative Writing Group
-Chess Club