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Click here to contact the SENCo, Mrs Grant, Assistant SENCos, Mrs Sage and Mrs Sleap, and SEND Administrator, Mrs Funning or call 01483 888447 Option 1. If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors, Mrs Wavish, please email.

At Woking High School, we believe that all students have the right to receive an excellent education, which provides them with the knowledge, subject specific skills and core values needed to successfully access the wider world, become independent, informed thinkers, and well-rounded citizens. This is underpinned by our six core values:

- Personal responsibility
- Excellence
- Resilience
- Kindness
- Inclusion
- Engagement

We believe that all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), should have access to our broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum and experience the same equality of opportunity as their peers. This means that, as a mainstream school, we expect students with SEND needs to attend lessons with the subject experts – the classroom teachers. For example, all Year 7 students joining Woking High School participate in Modern Foreign Language lessons such as French or Spanish. We do not follow models of frequent withdrawal from lessons to work with Teaching Assistants. To do so would result in our students missing out on our diverse curriculum and the knowledge taught in the classroom by subject specialists. To support the needs of students with SEND in lessons, Woking High School stresses the importance of quality first teaching in the classroom and trains teaching staff to support students with SEND needs. Being in the classroom provides the greatest impact for our SEND students.

JCQ Guidance for parents, carers and students about access arrangements

SEND offer (including EAL)

When a student is identified as having special educational needs, Woking High School will consult with parents/carers and may provide interventions that are additional to or different from those provided as part of the school’s ordinarily available adaptive teaching practices. Interventions are time-bonded.

The SENCo will support the assessment of the student, assisting in planning future support for the student in discussion with colleagues and monitoring action taken. The student’s subject and pastoral teachers will remain responsible for working with the student and for planning and delivering adaptive teaching techniques in the classroom.

Woking High School follows the model employed by Surrey County Council, the local authority, and other schools in the area – the graduated response. This graduated response consists of a tiered, escalating approach to provide different support routes for a student.

SEND Information Report 2023-24


SEND policy

SEND Policy

The Woking High School SEND Policy complies with the statutory requirements outlined in the Children and Families Act 2014 and the SEND Code of Practice 0 – 25yrs (2014 and 2015) and has been written with reference to related guidance and documents including:

Children’s Act (2004)
Equality Act (2010) (Advice for schools DfE Feb 2013)
Health and Social Care Act (2012)
Keeping Children Safe in Education (including Sept 2021 revisions)
Schools SEN Information Report Regulations (2014)
Statutory Guidance on supporting students at school with medical conditions (2014)
Teachers’ Standards (2012)
Woking High School Safeguarding Policy
Woking High School Accessibility Plan

SEND Department structure and responsibilities

SEND Leadership:

SENCo Mrs Grant (all students with an EHCP across Years 7 - 9) 
Assistant SENCo Mrs Sage (Years 7, 8 & 9 SEND Support students i.e. ‘K’ students, DSL SEND) 
Assistant SENCo Mrs Sleap (Years 10 & 11 SEND Support students, i.e. ‘K’ students, Year 6 transition) 
SEND Administrator Mrs Funning (day-to-day SEND enquiries, act on behalf of SENCo & Assistant SENCos)

Targeted support:

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) for SEND – Mrs Sage
Emotional Literacy Support (ELSA) HLTA –  Mrs Whitfield
Exam Access Arrangements – Mrs Grant
Forest School HLTA – Mrs Jones
Literacy HLTA – Mrs Schwabe
Numeracy HLTA – Mrs Davies
Physical and Medical needs – Miss Jones

EAL - Mrs Hussain

In-class support:
Mrs Durbridge
Mrs Hill
Mrs Hussain
Mrs Irshad (EAL)
Mrs Latif
Ms McElroy

Useful links