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Why Join Us?

Woking High School is a special place to learn and work because staff and students care about education and the relationships which are fostered here. We are a community, a family. It is both as simple and complex as that.

We are a popular academy providing education for 1200 students every year. We have a very strong ethos and culture of ambition, excellent behaviour, and hard work. We firmly believe in the power of education to improve lives and that all children and young people deserve an excellent education. Our commitment is to ensure learning is at the heart of everything we do, creating an empowering learning environment that allows every student to unlock their potential, grow and make well informed decisions about their futures. 

We believe that high standards of academic achievement and excellent behaviour provide children with the stable and calm environment in which to learn effectively.  

Clear systems ensure that classrooms are quiet and focused environments, which enable student engagement and exploration. Students are supported by a wide range of internal teams to achieve excellent personal outcomes, removing barriers to learning and providing outstanding pastoral care whilst always equipping students with the tools they need to be able to take personal responsibility.  

Our staff are our greatest asset; they are knowledgeable, highly skilled in their areas of expertise and they are passionate and curious individuals who are always looking for opportunities to learn and hone their skills.  

We take pride in the fact that all of our students receive the same ambitious, unrestricted and broad curriculum throughout KS3 with GCSE Options being selected during Year 9 for start in Year 10. Furthermore, all students have equal access to Religious Education, PSHE, and our Aspire to Be programme through which we develop an understanding of our core values and how to live by these, because we recognise that happiness in life requires a holistic approach where the individual is seen and cared for. This holistic approach is also reflected in our rich and diverse extra-curricular and enrichment activities which allow students to explore and develop interests and talents beyond classroom learning and we are rightly proud of our students’ exceptional success both regionally and nationally in sports, music, debating, drama, even Warhammer, to name but a few. Our students’ commitment to engage with Student Voice, helping us to shape the school and always striving to be better, is outstanding. 

Woking High School is a special place to learn and work and, if you are considering applying for a place to study or work here, we invite you to visit us to experience the school in action. 

Mrs Maiken Walter

Mission Statement:

All students receive an excellent education, which provides them with the knowledge, subject specific skills and core values needed to successfully access the wider world, become independent, informed thinkers, and well-rounded citizens.