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Student Admissions

Allocations for Year 7 entry for September 2025 are made by Surrey Admissions on March 3rd 2025.

For enquiries regarding Secondary School applications, please contact or call 0300 200 1004

Once allocations have been made, if you would like to request a place on the Year 7 waiting list for 25/26 at WHS, please email stating your child’s name, address and date of birth. Places on the waiting list are not automatically allocated. Once requested, positions on the list are established in line with the School’s Admission Criteria.

Please make sure you accept or decline your place through Surrey Admissions by March 17th 2025.


Parent Handbook


Information Booklet 2025-26

Admissions Criteria 2024-25

Admissions Criteria 2025-26

Admissions Criteria 2026-27

Supplementary Form for Children of Staff

If you would like to check if you are in the School catchment area, please click on the interactive map.

Open Events

Woking High School is a very popular, oversubscribed 11-16 co-educational academy, attracting students from a variety of primary schools. We encourage any prospective parents/carers to attend one of our open events such as our Open Evening in October and morning tours of the school during the following weeks. For in-year admissions, tours of the schools will be arranged once a place has been offered.

On 15th July 2025 we will hold an Open Morning for Year 5 families. Bookings for this event will open on Monday 9th June 2025.

The School's Open Evening will be held on Thursday 2nd October 2025. Bookings are not required for this event and more information will be available nearer the time.

We will also hold the following Open Mornings:

  • Monday 6th October 2025

  • Wednesday 8th October 2025

  • Tuesday 14th October 2025

Bookings will open on the 15th September 2025.

Year 6 Transition and Admission to Year 7

Once Year 6 students have been offered and accepted a place at Woking High School, the induction process begins. We visit all our feeder schools during the Summer term and meet with all Year 6 teachers and students to gain knowledge and understanding of each student to support their transition to Year 7.

All Year 6 students joining Woking High School in September are offered an Induction Day led by the Head of Year 7. During this Induction Day students will start making friendships and become familiar with the school environment, taking part in team building activities to foster new relationships with peers and staff.

In addition, a Parent/Carers Induction Evening is held to establish an important partnership between home and school. 


All primary schools which identify students with SEND Support needs are contacted to complete a Woking High School questionnaire regarding each student to help identify diagnoses, struggles, strengths and strategies to support them in the classroom.

We welcome copies of consultant or specialist reports (e.g. diagnoses reports) directly from parents during the Summer term, to help speed up this process. Once a student is on roll (i.e. usually from 1st September) as information arrives, it is shared with subject teachers and the SEND department to support students in their lessons.

Up to two weeks prior to the Year 7 Induction Day is a SEND Transition Morning, focusing upon incoming students with SEND needs (either an EHCP or SEND Support Arrangement in place with the primary school) to have extra time to look at how Woking High School operates.

The SEND Transition Morning is by invitation only via Primary School SENCos or Head of Year 6. 

What happens?

Identified SEN students have the opportunity to spend a morning at Woking High School. During the course of the morning, the identified Year 6 SEN students will be looked after by Mrs.Sleap, Assistant SENCo, and a small number of Teaching Assistants (TAs). The Year 6 SEN students will spend time in a classroom and look through information such a sample school timetable and have the opportunity to orientate themselves in the school.


      ♦ Application to secondary school (directly to Surrey County Council) – 31st October

      ♦ Admissions Criteria 2024-25

      ♦ Admissions Criteria 2025-26

      ♦ Supplementary Form for Children of Staff 

      ♦ Allocation of Secondary Places – 1st March

      ♦ Acceptance of Secondary Places - 15th March

      ♦ Online Admissions Welcome and Parent Transition Guide

      ♦ Visits to Feeder Schools to learn more about students and start Induction Process – Summer Term

      ♦ SENCo taking part in Annual Reviews at feeder school for students with an existing EHCP -                     May/June

      ♦ Student Induction Day – Tuesday 2nd July 2024

      ♦ Parent/Carer and Student Induction Evening (Meeting the Tutors) – Tuesday 2nd July

Please join us for the induction evening where we will give families an opportunity to meet key members of staff including tutors and the pastoral team.This evening will also include information on curriculum and everyday practicalities for our year 7 students such as payment processes for using the canteen, behavioural expectations and using Classcharts.

      ♦ Settling in Day (First Day of School) – 4th September 2024

Year 6 Information Evening (Year 7 September 2024)

Year 6 Tutor Presentation (Year 7 September 2024)

In Year Applications 

We understand that moving school at any time can be nerve-wracking, so we strive to make the transition between schools as smooth as possible. For up to date in-year information, please see Surrey County Council's Admissions page

In order to make an in-year application, please apply directly to Woking High School by submitting an in-year application form to the Admissions Registrar. Applications will only be considered against the established criteria 2024-25. If you would like to check if you are in the School catchment area, please click on the interactive map.

The in-year process is as follows (please see guidance notes for reference):

Application reviewed upon receipt.

If a place is available, parents/carers are informed by the Admissions Registrar. On offering a place, the student and parents/carers will be invited to attend a tour of the School and to meet with the Admissions Registrar and Head of Year. During this discussion we will seek to ascertain what support the student may require, including SEND and financial assistance, as well as subject choices where there is optionality and, also agree a start date. Students will not start until their timetable has been arranged. 

Students will be provided with a Student Guide. 

The following information will also be provided via email:

♦ School uniform, including pre-loved uniform 

♦ Equipment

♦ Extra-curricular activities

♦ ClassCharts

♦ Scopay 

On the first day, the student will be met in Reception by their Head of Year, and taken to their tutor group.

Waiting List

Please note that you are not added onto the waiting list automatically.

If you would like to go on the waiting list, please complete and submit an in-year application form to the Admissions Registrar.


School admission appeals timetable

Appeals are now being heard on a face to face basis, if you have difficulties attending please contact the School Appeals Service. 

Appeals for September 2025 entry resulting from year of entry or transfer applications:



Appeals lodged by

Appeals to be heard by





3 March 2025


31 March 2025


18 June 2025 (40 school days)

NB: Appeals will not start being heard until after the relevant closing date has passed.

Appeals lodged after these dates will be heard within 40 school days of the appeal deadline or 30 school days of being lodged, whichever is the later date.

Appeals are not heard in school holidays, which will vary depending on the school.

Appellants will be sent notification of their appeal hearing at least 10 clear school days in advance of the hearing. Appellants will be sent a copy of the school's case normally a week in advance of the hearing.

Appellants must ensure that any further evidence not included with their initial appeal is received by the stated deadline, which will be clearly highlighted in the appeal hearing notification letter. Any additional evidence or information received after this date might not be considered at the appeal hearing.

In Year or immediate entry appeals:

Appeals resulting from in year admission applications will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.

School Adjudicator:

Any person or body who considers that these admission arrangements are unlawful, or not in compliance with the Code or relevant law relating to admissions, can make an objection to the Schools Adjudicator at:

Office of Schools Adjudicator

Mill Street
