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Pupil Premium

Our expectations at Woking High School is that the attainment of all students, irrespective of background or the challenges they face, is comparable with that of non-disadvantaged students within school and nationally. We recognise that disadvantaged students may face a wide range of barriers that may impact on their learning.  Our mission is to equip these students with the skills they need to look after their social, emotional and well-being needs, whilst developing resilience for them to become active, independent and well-rounded citizens of the future.

Our strategy is to use Pupil Premium funding to directly improve student outcomes through high quality teaching, intervention and resources, whilst ensuring that our efforts are sustainable in order to secure higher attainment for our disadvantaged students.

We will not separate students who receive the funding, but, will educate them alongside their peers with targeted, specific intervention running alongside the curriculum in a variety of forms to support their individual needs.

At KS4, we have ensured that there are smaller focussed teaching groups in all three core subjects to allow us to give more effective, specialised and targeted support for our disadvantaged learners and have used the Pupil Premium funding to support us in doing this.

Pupil Premium Strategy

Pupil Premium Completed Review 2024