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Recognition of Excellence

We acknowledge the achievements of students both in lessons and in extracurricular activities. We reward and celebrate success in all areas of school life.

We want everyone to achieve their full potential. To help to ensure this, and to ensure that students are demonstrating the right commitment to learning at Woking High School, we use Class Charts to record and reward good behaviour and positive learning attitudes both in and out of the classroom.

Using Class Charts we award Achievement Points throughout the school. Achievement Points are given to students for excellent effort and achievement or for upholding the school’s Core Values. Class Charts enables us to promote our school’s positive achievements to parents and carers instantly. It helps students see their own progress and reflect on their achievement and behaviour. Students can receive awards for attaining a certain number of achievement points, as shown in the table below:

Behaviour chart

Ways student successes are celebrated

Students of the Week

Every week staff nominate students who have gone over and above our normal high expectations and deserve further recognition. Postcards are sent and winners are announced every week in year assembly.

Celebrating Success in Assemblies

Those students who have received the most Achievement Points in the week are celebrated in weekly assemblies. Achievements in extra-curricular activities and out of school activities are also celebrated in assembly with certificates and medals regularly being awarded. 

School Colours

Students are awarded a School Colour for outstanding achievement and contribution to an academic subject, a sport or an expressive art. Year 7,8 and 9 students receive Half Colours and Year 10 and 11 students receive Full Colours. Students can be awarded more than one School Colour with many of our students being multiple winners. School Colours are awarded by the Headteacher termly in a special School Colours Assembly.

Core Values Awards

At Woking High School we place a great emphasis on students demonstrating the six Core Values. Every term, the student from each year group with the most nominations for a Core Value are awarded a certificate and trophy at the end of term assembly.

End of Term Reward Event

Students who achieve A1 Attitudes to Learning Profiles for the vast majority of their subjects (no more than two A2 subject awards) at the end of each term will be invited to an end of term Reward Event. The Reward Event varies, but is often a trip to the cinema or a special event held in school.

Young Achievers’ Assembly

At the end of the academic year, parents and guests are invited to attend the prestigious Young Achievers’ Assembly to celebrate achievement in Years 7 to 10. Students in each year group are nominated for exceptional progress and exceptional attainment for each subject. In addition, special awards are presented for categories such as sport, performing arts, contribution to the community and upholding the school’s Core Values. After the assembly, award winners are invited to a special reward afternoon.