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“Literature speaks the language of the imagination.”


Staff members 

Mrs K Paton-Biggs (Head of Department)
Ms B Swancutt (2i/c English)
Miss Z Barfield
Mr B Bunsell
Mrs E Firth
Mr D Glencross
Mrs R Hill
Mr N Houghton
Mr P Nonis
Ms R Preece
Mrs S Savory
Mrs V Thomas
Mrs A Witcher


Subject Definition

English is the foundation of all other subjects. It has huge social, political and moral implications with Literature enabling students to become better thinkers and generally more empathetic human beings.

The aim of our English curriculum is for students to understand what makes effective communication in both fiction and non-fiction texts. Students will explore a diverse range of different forms of writing and then show their understanding of excellence by emulating these skills and knowledge in their own creative work. In addition, the study of great literature will help encourage the imagination and empathy of our students, enabling them to be kinder people.


Subject Purpose

The purpose of English as a subject is multi-faceted. Not only does it intend to equip pupils with a confident mastery of the functional skills required to participate fully in all aspects of society, but it also seeks to enlighten the human condition and spark the flames of curiosity so that they become readers and writers for life.

At Woking High, we believe that the knowledge of English provides you with the foundations required to study all areas of the curriculum with confidence. Moreover, given the huge variety of information available, we know how critical it is for our students to understand, assimilate and evaluate large amounts of text in order to make informed and intelligent choices. This is where we believe an excellent understanding and command of the English language is key for our students to engage successfully with the wider world.

In their study of Literature, we expect our students to feel both challenged and inspired through reading about different perspectives, experiences and stories and that through careful study of these, students will develop an appreciation and empathy for the lives of others. We also believe that through the close consideration and analysis of our core texts, students will not only learn to appreciate the beauty and truth in great literature, but that they will also feel inspired to write more creatively and imaginatively themselves.

We understand how crucial it is for all our students to leave school with a solid foundation in English so that they can access further education and future employment opportunities. We believe that through our programmes of study from KS3 to KS4, our students will develop the necessary skills to become informed and critical thinkers and to engage successfully with whatever they choose to embark on next.


KS3 Overview

Students will study a broad range of fiction and non-fiction texts to develop their appreciation of writers’ techniques. Creativity is encouraged to foster a love of literature and class-based discussion is used to help students develop their own opinions and interpretations of texts. As students progress through Key Stage Three, their analysis becomes increasingly developed and they learn how to express their ideas in formal essays.

Students learn to write in a variety of different forms, including stories, descriptions, autobiographical extracts, letters, speeches and articles. They are taught to use the techniques employed by the writers they have studied, so their writing becomes increasingly sophisticated and effective. 

KS4 Overview

Qualification information 

Course title: English Language (9-1)
Exam board: OCR
Course code: J351

English Language helps students develop the skills required to read fluently and critically in a wide variety of high-quality literary and non-fiction genres, and to use written and spoken English accurately and effectively in different styles and contexts.

Course title: English Literature (9-1)
Exam board: AQA
Course code: 8702

English Literature is underpinned by a skills-based approach to help students read and engage critically with a wide range of literature. Students are encouraged to articulate fresh, individual, and justified responses to texts from a variety of genres, periods and cultures.


Subject Documents  
KS3 Overview English Download
KS4 Curriculum Overview Download