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"To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world."

Chinese Proverb


Staff members 

Mrs R Thacker (Head of Department)
Miss R Piazza (2i/c Languages)
Mrs C Bos
Mr J Charatan
Miss O Clinton 
Mrs S Lock 
Mr H Montero 
Miss A Vidal


Definition of Subject 

Learning a language is about broadening one’s mind, not only by communicating in the target language but also by learning about other cultures.

Purpose of subject  

Studying French or Spanish lays the foundations for learning any other language in the future. The skills that you learn are all transferrable skills. For example, through the study of MFL we acquire heightened literacy skills which can be applied in any number of situations, regardless of the language we are using. It builds proficiency in public speaking and empowers us to become confident communicators of our own ideas in both speech and writing. Students are taught rigour and resilience. They develop sharp listening skills and learn to pay great attention to detail. Last, but certainly not least, we learn MFL for the fun of it!

KS3 Overview

Our teaching is inspired by Gianfranco Conti’s EPI (Extensive Processing Instruction) methodology. Every lesson, students engage in a wide variety of learning activities as part of a curriculum unique to Woking High School that has been designed to create a sense of success for all students. The four key skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing in the target language have equal importance and are practised regularly with clear communication being our key objective in everything that we do.

By the end of Year 9, students making the expected progress are able to understand key vocabulary in authentic listening and reading materials, express themselves on a range of topics that they have studied and give their own opinions, as well as justifying their views. They understand and describe events in three time-frames, writing accounts from memory on a variety of topics. Students are able to translate key phrases which include grammatical points studied during KS3.

Assessments are carried out throughout the year with regular tri-weekly assessments and module assessments covering all four skills.

KS4 Overview

Course: GCSE French
Board: AQA
Course code: 8658

Course: GCSE Spanish
Board: AQA
Course code: 8698

Students learn to communicate at greater depth on a wide variety of topics relating to their everyday life. As well as being able to understand information that they read and hear, students are able to write and speak about their own experiences and ideas. They can narrate events in the past, express and justify their own opinions, and discuss their future plans.

At KS4, students study three themes:

1. Identity and culture.
2. Local, national, international and global areas of interest.
3. Current and future study and employment.

In lessons, students consolidate and build upon the knowledge acquired at KS3. They listen, speak, read and write in the target language, learning to express their ideas clearly and with increasing complexity.

Assessments are carried out throughout the year with regular tri-weekly assessments and module assessments covering all four skills, resulting in thorough preparation for the GCSE exams.

Subject Documents  
KS3 Overview MFL Download
KS4 (GCSE) French Overview Download
KS4 (GCSE) Spanish Overview Download