
Woking High School Certified a Surrey Healthy School

Jul 23rd 2024

Surrey Healthy Schools Logo

Surrey Healthy Schools; Why investing in student health and wellbeing matters

After a year-long process of collating evidence and working alongside Surrey Local Authority we are delighted to have been awarded Surrey Healthy Schools status for the next two years. The importance of promoting student wellbeing and healthy lifestyles has, quite rightly, become a priority in schools. The concept of "Healthy Schools" has gained significant attention, as it recognises the critical role that schools play in shaping the health and well-being of young people.

A Healthy School understands the importance of physical, emotional, social and mental well-being of its students, staff, and community. It is an environment that promotes a culture of well-being and inclusivity. This is where students feel valued, supported, and empowered to perform better. A Healthy School recognises that the physical and emotional health of its students is linked to their academic success and overall well-being. being,

We have clearly demonstrated that areas such as nutrition, mental health support and physical activity are being provided for to a high standard at our school and we are committed to improving these areas of school life even further.

There are a number of benefits to achieving Healthy Schools status. When students are healthy and happy, they are more likely to attend school regularly. A Healthy School fosters a sense of community and promotes social skills, such as communication and teamwork. When teachers feel supported and valued, they are more likely to be motivated and effective in their roles. A Healthy School also builds vital relationships with the local community, promoting collaborations that benefit the school, the community and most importantly the students at Woking High School.

We are very proud of this fantastic achievement and for all the hard work from students and staff within our school community